is one
of a series
where I give my ideas on aspects of Reiki and/or energy work. The pages
are intended to give some "food for thought" and some are only my
viewpoint. While a number of facts may be included, you should decide
for yourself how much (if any) of the content feels right to you. This article is from some
material I have been preparing for my own master level students. Additional Comments
on Part 1: When deciding what you plan to teach,
don’t forget to think about the Reiki certificate you will be giving
students. It doesn’t have to be fancy and there are many web sites that
templates for such. You can use the
wording from your own certificates or look at what others have used. I have a web page showing the various Western
and Japanese certificates I received and some of these can give you an
idea. (see
below for link) OK, I’m
Ready (getting
the word out):
Do I Have to Teach
Just Anyone? Sometimes
you may draw to you a student who just doesn’t feel right to you. It might be their attitude, or something they
say, or something you have learned about them. In
other cases, you may teach someone who no longer seems to fit in with
your views, your own Reiki methods, or you are not comfortable with
their Reiki
ethics. Please know you are not bound or
obliged to teach them. To be polite you
might simply say that you feel you are not the best teacher for them at
time, that you believe there is someone else out there who is much more
to their needs. In most cases this is a
true statement. 4.
5. The Practice Class: Arranging a test class with a few friends and family members can give you a good idea of how comfortable you are with teaching others, with your material and also with the success of your attunement process. I recall reading one of William Rand’s comments about how he felt so uncomfortable in his first class that he thought he should give everyone their money back. But 2 of his experienced healer friends who took the class to give him moral support told him how amazed they were with the Reiki energy and how it improved their abilities. That comment gave me a lot of confidence for my own first class, which surprisingly turned out to be a Reiki 3 / Reiki Master three day weekend. 6. Scheduling Classes: There are a couple ways you can arrange the time and date for the class. The usual way is to select a date and location that works best for you and then advertise this. Another way is to let the first interested student suggest a day that he or she is able to come. You can then advertise that date on your web site and see how many people enrol. In either case I suggest always holding the class, even if it is just for one student. If you like to have at least 2 students, you can ask a previous student, a friend or a family member to attend.
If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me. I will try to answer them all.