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Threshold Anecdote - Distant Attunements with Doi and Tanaka

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Last Updated: August 10, 2014
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- Threshold Reiki Anecdote -
This page is one of a series where I share a personal experience or anecdote related to my Reiki work.  The pages are also intended to give you some "food for thought" and add to your overall Reiki knowledge base.  While the experience has been my own, I feel that you should decide for yourself how much (if any) of the content has any usefulness to your own Reiki work. Richard Rivard

I've shared parts of this anecdote in some of my articles but I realised I never put it all together.  So here it is.

Since Hiroshi Doi announced in early 2004 that his Gendai Reiki no longer included distant attunements (due to problems with a certain European teacher), it is not well known that at one time he was willing to do distant attunement exchanges. 

in July 1998, Andrew Bowling of the UK and Tom Rigler of the USA independently were exchanging emails with Yukio Miura of Japan. and also with me here in Canada.   Then, at the same time, Tom and Andy both introduced me to Yukio and the 4 of us began a round-robin of sharing Reiki information and distant attunements.  What was of the greatest interest to us was Yukio's information about a Japanese Reiki Master named Hiroshi Doi, a Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai member, who had recently published a Reiki book called "Iyashino Gendai Reiki Hi" - "Modern Reiki Method For Healing."

Yukio translated some of Mr. Doi's book, which he shared, (click here) and began acting as a go between for us and Mr. Doi.  He decided to take Shinpiden and Gokuikaiden (highest level) training with Doi and this gave us more insight.  At the time I was a Tera-MaiTM Reiki master and I shared these attunements with Yukio, via the distant process, one day when he was visiting Kurama Yama.  Because he had enjoyed this experience, through Yukio I offered the same attunements to Mr. Doi.  Doi-san accepted, providing I would also send them to his friend Mr. Tanaka, a healer who uses over 30 different energies in his work. (I suppose this was Doi's way of checking me out.)  I agreed and in September 1998 I made the exchange with them using distant attunements.

At Doi's request I sent the 3 levels of Tera-Mai Reiki to each of them one evening. They both reported that their reception of these was impressive. Through Yukio Doi-san said that he had just returned to Ashiya City from a long train ride from Tokyo (presumably at a URR Gakkai meeting.) While he was tired, he sat down to receive the attunements, and found that the next morning, with little sleep, he was up early, feeling unusually very refreshed.  Tanaka-san also reported a favourable experience.

In return, before going to bed Doi-sensei sent me Gendai Reiju and an attunement to the 4th Reiki symbol energy; Tanaka-san sent an energy he uses on his healing work. While Doi-sensei's energies felt good, I really took notice of Tanaka-san's.  Strangley, it actually made me feel a bit nauseous.   I immediately emailed Yukio to share my feedback, and to ask him to find out what energy Tanaka-san had sent me. 

Later that day Yukio replied that Tanaka-san had sent an energy he uses with his cancer patients!   This really surprised me,  and then it concerned me as I wondered if Tanaka-san felt I had cancer.   I didn't think so, in fact I was pretty sure I didn't.  But I was a bit confused.

It was to be a year later when I was invited to present at the URRI 2000 conference in Kyoto, before I would get my answer from Tanaka-san.  On the Friday evening before the conference a special reception was held to celebrate Mr. Doi's birthday.  During the reception I was introduced to Mr. Tanaka. 

What a strong personality he radiated, as well as a strong personal Ki!  I asked him why he sent the cancer energy 2 years before during our attunement exchange.  He asked if I ntoiced it and I replied that I certainly did.  He said that was good as he wanted to send something he knew I would be able to feel.  I think this was a good indication of the sense of humour he has.  He told me that he did not have any Reiki training but he did offer to share with me what I might call his own Reiki - his own personal Ki.  He immediately placed both hands over my crown and I could instantly feel a very powerful enrgy flowing into me.  It was so strong my head was getting very hot. 

When he finished I was certainly very buzzed.  But I also knew I could duplicate this healing energy for anyone I wanted to share it with.  It's what I would call Tanaka-san's own Highest Ki or personal energy, well developed and amplified.  Since that time I have shared this energy with my own Reiki Master students, and each time I feel appreciation for Tanaka-san's sharing.


If you have comments or suggestions, Contact Me.     I will try to answer them all.

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