![]() Channeling
Support Copyright Info - Making Use of Threshold Web Pages - Threshold Reiki Anecdote - I wrote about my overall path to Energy Work and New Age material at "My Path to Reiki" page, but I thought I might share in more detail how I ended up practicing and teaching channeling.
In 1975, friends of mine (Pete and Karen) enticed me into
reading "Seth Speaks" by Jane Roberts. I had been practicing Yoga
for a couple years and was learning some meditation techniques from my
teachers. I had also been interested in the idea of reincarnation
after reading "Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation" by Jess Stearn.
But Seth Speaks" was quite a different book such that every couple of
pages I had to stop and think about what I had read, at least for
day or two as each contained such a new and amazing idea to digest. It
took me a year to read the book but I became hooked on Jane Roberts'
In the years that followed I purchased all the Seth books I could find. Then in 1981 I met Nadya and she too devoured all those books. When we later moved in together I found her buying a variety of New Age type books, some of which were channeled, and many that were decades old. At the time I didn't feel the urge to read most of these, but that was soon to change. By the end of the 1980's I would sometimes pick up one of her books, like those written by Sanaya Roman or Jack Pursell, and read it very quickly. Then one day in 1993 I discovered another of Sanaya's books - "Opening to Channel" - sitting around our apartment. I felt a strong urge to pick it up and began to read it and do the exercises in the
book. I was very surprised to actually sense a contact with a family of
beings, not from spirit realm around the physical plane, but from a completely different reality. (I
guess, something like a DaBen, Duane's guide.) When
I asked them
what I should call them, they showed me a picture of an exploding and
ever expanding star - a huge nova. They said this is what their
interest and purpose with me was. They suggested to just call
"Nova." So I invited the representative energy of them to come
work with me. But I soon found that while I could still sense
them, I was not able to
verbally channel them, something I thought true channeling was about (after all, this is what the book seems to present.)
A few months later I
attended what turned out to be a private Reiki 2
class, in which the teacher was also a conscious channeler who gave
readings. She recorded the class out of habit, and said she could
read her guides' messages on a screen in her
mind. Her guides told me I would create energy concepts that were
as easy as pushing buttons, and also that I could already
channel. That last part just made me
even more confused. A year and a half went by and during that
time I would just invite Nova and any other guides that Lazarus (Jach Pursell) talk about, to be with me when I
went for walks on the beach, or read books or whatever. In the spring of 1995 I
enrolled in an Awakening Your Light Body course with one of Sanaya's
students, Carla, who lived in this area.
Carla's friends told me she was a natural for channeling and transmitting
energies. During class nights, sometimes she would channel her own
guides (whoever would show up, she would say.) So after the third
night I stayed after class and asked her how I could solve my
problem. She said she had a channeling class that weekend and I
was welcome to come (my guides love to drop things in my lap this way.
During the class Carla would again transmit energies and when she did
this while playing Orin's main channeling journey, the 2 sets of
energies together sort of pushed me through the "wall."
After that you couldn't shut my guides (me) up. It was
Carla liked it when past students showed up to repeat classes and one
time (my 2nd repeat class) she asked me to co-teach the class. I
did so and I could sense what she was unknowingly doing during the
class exercises, and so I just used Nova to do it a bit different.
For me it was just like Reiki attunements where you are actually
setting and holding a huge energy space for the students while they
make whatever connection they could, whatever their current limit
was. I began to teach my own classes and to add to the
Sanaya/Duane class plan as I encountered different needs of my
Anyway, that's kind of how it happened. So if any of this helps
you in the meantime, then maybe you will continue to make the right
connections, find that special skill your guides are interested
in. One thing I noticed in my classes, my guides and I seem to be helping
students to meet and "blend with" (Sanaya's term) beings
from other
realities, just like I did with Nova. Maye this is because one of
the early journeys in the Light Body course is a similar
exercise. I've learned since then that they are actually
somehow to the individual students (like Orin and DaBen are with Sanaya
and Duane) and have an interest in the person's current development
towards their life work. And because they are new to the physical
plane, they seem to skip over some of the "restrictions" or
"limitations" our normal guides go along with working with us.
If you have comments or suggestions, contact me. I will try to answer them all. |