Reiki Information and Training on the Internet since September 1996

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Over 170 pages of Reiki articles
and information on the origins of Reiki. Over 300 class pages for
Threshold students, including the ability to follow learner paced distant
Reiki training.
Reiki Ho is the Japanese Reiki training
system of Mr. Hiroshi Doi of Japan, a member of the original Reiki society,
Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.
Kai Reiki is the Japanese Reiki training
system of Rev. Hyakuten Inamoto of Japan, a student of Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi,
who was taught by Dr. Hayashi.
Reiki teaches Japanese & Western
Reiki attunements & techniques to allow the student a broader Reiki
information for those who are just discovering Reiki.
* What is Reiki?
* What is Threshold Reiki?
* What is Gendai Reiki?
* What is Komyo Kai Reiki?
* What is Usui-Do?
* Do Distant Attunements Work?
* Disclaimer
* The Reiki Levels Explained
* Try Out Reiki
* Mikao Usui's Message
* Sample Reiki First Degree Class Pages
* The Reiki Book Page
* Reiki Music Page
detailed pages for Experienced Reiki practitioners
* Origins of Reiki
* 1986 Japanese Reiki Article
* Translating the Usui Affirmations (Precepts)
* The Usui Reiki Hikkei
* Dr. Hayashi Healing Guide
* Reiki in Japan
* Usui Reiju Gift
* Hiroshi Doi - Modern Reiki Method for Healing
* What it Means to be a Reiki Master
* Ideas for Setting up a Reiki Exchange / Gathering
* Taniai Village - Birth place of Mikao Usui
* The Saihoji Temple
* Directions to Saihoji
* Literal Translation of Usui Memorial
* The Original Reiki Society
* Usui Reiki Ryoho International
* Usui Reiki Ryoho - the Original Meaning
* Origin of the Term "Reiki"
* Reiki and Highest Ki
* Sample URR Shoden Pages
Sample URR Okuden
* Traditional Symbols
* What are Tera Mai and Karuna Reiki?
* Western Reiki Symbols
* Distant Healing Comments
much, much more. |